
Answered Prayer

My Parent Prayer
Dear Lord, please give me parenting skills that will help me in guiding my children to become knowledgeable, socially adept, positive, kind, compassionate, patient, thoughtful, respectful, gracious, responsible, successful, and independent. Plus, grant my wish that they will present me with grandchildren and then support these incredible little people and teach them all of the things I taught to them.

My Prayer Today
Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer, but this means my children now know more than I know, have new social circles that include work and neighborhood friends, reach out in kindness and compassion to the new world around them, accept responsibility for the life they have created, and make good decisions without my input.

So, Lord, this means that I no longer have that job. So I guess I may have to get another one – job, that is, not child!

Not this. . .

but maybe this.


  1. Wendy's surely has a huge pool from which to choose, but you are not a part of it. Good luck with the other thing, though.

    1. Vanilla, I hope I don't make the short list for a job needing losers. That would be a self-esteem crusher.

  2. I was just telling someone, the other day, how you went back to school and earned 3 degrees after you had 4 children. How did you do that, superwoman?

    1. Ilene, you are very kind, but Superwoman I'm not - not even close.

  3. And you worked much of that time too! I'd be frazzled.
