
Moving On

Hubby and I received a record player as a wedding present. It played 45’s, 78’s and 33⅓’s.We deemed it to be quite the special possession. 

Over the next few years, we collected what records we could afford and owned enough to provide a decent variety. Hubby liked Southern Gospel. Me? Not so much! Being the more “worldly” one, I preferred Pat Boone and a little bit of Elvis. I can still hear Pat crooning, “With the Wind and the Rain in Your Hair.” Then the 8-Track debuted. Although the 8-Track craze was short-lived, we had sufficient time to get on board and, in doing so, stir up the Southern Gospel/Other Music controversy.

Not long after moving into the land of 8-Trackdom, we discovered that a new development was entering the electronic world of sound. What we needed now was a cassette player to play music stored on little tapes. This was a format I liked, and one I stubbornly hung onto even after the introduction of the next big innovation, CD’s. But then I traded cars and, much to my dismay, discovered that there was no cassette player in my new model. So, once again, I had to pitch my favs - even the Judds!

I have come to accept changes in our tech savvy world, but was surprised at how quickly readers moved toward choosing eBooks over print books. As a result, much has changed with regard to the way authors publish. 

Even though originally one of the “hold-out people” who admired a book and savored the smoothness of the paper as I turned each page, I soon found myself enjoying the convenience of a lightweight reader. Okay, I’ll admit it, I felt a little guilty about that. But where else can I purchase a classic for ninety-nine cents or even get a free book?

The second edition of Child of Desire is on Kindle Publishing and, because so many e-Readers have been marketed, I made the decision not to offer print copies. Enjoy the convenience.

Clipart: Hawthorne K-12 - NJ


  1. I've found over the years that it's not as exciting, but a lot more affordable to ride the backside of the technology wave.

    1. Secondary Roads, good way to save! There are features on my iPhone that I still don't understand and I'm several models behind. But it's a good phone so I'm not moving up.

    2. Still riding the backside-- a long way back of e-reader, or whatever you called it. (Have you noted that the CD is dead now, too, and cars don't even have players for them now.)

    3. Everything just keeps moving on. Someday I will move on out and won't have to worry anymore about change. (Not too soon though, I hope.)
