
Naming A Hermit Crab

Our grandson, Jesse, and his wife, Jeni, took her niece and nephew to a fish store for the purpose of acquiring pet hermit crabs. After the little girl made her selection, they asked her what she wanted to name it. “Verla,” she replied. “Verla Horsey Cookiepants.”

So happy my parents did not think of the second two names!

Clip Art Source: Buel P. Colton, Zoology: Descriptive and Practical 
(Boston:D.C. Heath & Co., 1903) 82


  1. There's a child with a great future in politics or used-car sales. Or did I miss something?

  2. Hilarity abounds! I can assure you, though, that your parents would never have attached the second and third names to you, even had they thought of it.

    1. Vanilla, not likely, though when I was a kid Dad did sometimes call me "smartypants."
