
Such Deals!

Every day I receive multiple deals via email. I’m not sure why, but I have to assume that I have done something really stupid in order for that to be happening.

Never has a daily deal been something that I’m even remotely interested in purchasing. But some might be good deals for others. You can’t blame businesses for trying. However, this week I had to wonder why I was chosen for one of the daily Amazon deals.

I do live in the West, but everyone in the West does not ride a horse to work, carry a gun, own a pick-up truck, camp out in the mountains, and sing country western songs. Some of us actually live in homes, shop at malls, go to hear the Philharmonic perform, and sit in front of the fireplace reading books.

So my question for Amazon is, “Do you think everyone who lives in Colorado subsists on jerky?” Send me a book deal, send me a CD deal, send me a deal on a new gadget for my kitchen. But beef jerky? Never tasted the stuff – never want to taste the stuff. No thanks!

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