
Sixty-Two Years Ago Today

This remains my favorite picture from our wedding day because it represents so much. 
·     The vows before God.
·     The blessings for our future.
·     Our mutual commitment to the unknown.

Nothing changed with our promises while much was changing in our lives.
·     Children
·     Grandchildren
·     Great-Grandchildren
·     Careers
·     Moves 
·     Celebrations
·     Travel
·     Challenges

As we have attempted to follow God’s guidance during these many years, we always found Him to be faithful. Did we make mistakes? Of course. But nothing that was done can be changed. Not words. Not decisions. Not actions. So my reference point is always the place where I turn to the Lord and seek His mercy. This may be why I like John Henry Jowett’s take on, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, …  .” in Psalm 23. He wrote: “I have turned my face toward the Lord. My yesterdays pursue. God’s grace comes between me and my yesterdays.”

Lately, we have come to accept the realities of our years as we develop one-on-one relationships with things that scan, gram, ultra, and image. We now . . .
. . . travel less.
. . . ache more.
. . . climb ladders less.
. . . slow down more.
. . . value things less.
. . . think about end of life issues more. 
. . . go out less.
. . . cherish special times together more and love deeper, knowing that each passing day serves to bring closure to our time together on this earth.

Happy Anniversary, Elvin. You deserve a medal for patience and long-suffering.


  1. Replies
    1. Love you too, Nicole. It was a wonderful day when you joined our family.

  2. Words of wisdom, beautifully written, Verla. What an example of God working through your marriage. Happy 62nd!

  3. Great journey, the road well-traveled, the days well-lived.

    1. Thank you, David. Support from our loving family assisted us greatly in our journey.

  4. Beautiful day. Beautiful couple. Surely it had not been 62 years!

    1. Thank you, Ilene. The event is memorable with you standing by me as my sweet little junior bridesmaid and the years have offered us more blessings than we deserve.

  5. Best wishes on your anniversary and many happy returns of the day.
