
Spring In Kansas

Warm happened for one day this past week out here in Kansas. When this occurs, weather forecasters on local media outlets are ecstatic, and wailing sounds might be heard in sections of our county. On our single such evening so far this spring, a friend sent out the following:

Okay, I laughed.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, Optimistic Existentialist, it is our life. One would think we might become comfortable with this, but we don't seem to do that. Quite the change from living in the foothills of the mountains in Colorado!

  2. Home, home on the plains. Tornado anyone?

    1. Secondary Roads, when we first moved to this area, I headed for the basement during every storm. Now I want proof before going down there.

  3. Last evening all the local outlets devoted programming solely to the weather. Meteorologists were all over themselves with excitement. Did get some nasty but not damaging storms, at least in our immediate area. (We sat at the dining table playing Skip-Bo while the background noise played on.)

    1. Vanilla, I think meteorologists might be taken more seriously if they didn't get so hyped about every storm. They need to read about the little boy who cried, "Wolf, Wolf!"
