This past week, a friend from Michigan posted a recipe on
Facebook that looked very familiar to me. It was called “Apple Stack Cake.”
When I looked at the picture and read through the recipe, I knew it was the
same cake we called “Christmas Molasses Cookie Cake” while I was growing up.
After several messages back and forth, I discovered that during
his childhood my friend lived only 90 miles from the childhood homes of my maternal
grandmother and grandfather. As did my relatives, he fished in the Clinch River
that flowed through both communities.
While this cake was a Christmas treat in our home, for my
friend’s family it was used for many special occasions. He wrote that people
brought layers to wedding receptions and the layers were all stacked together
with the apple filling. After setting for the evening, it was served as the wedding
The only differences between my friend’s family recipe and
ours are the use of both molasses and brown sugar in our recipe (his uses only
brown sugar), and making the apple butter filling using cooking apples (his uses dried apples). His family always topped the cake with a final layer of apple
butter, and our family iced the top layer with caramel frosting before serving.
Below is Mom’s recipe. Underneath this recipe is the family
recipe handwritten by Grandma and sent to Mom via USPS.
Christmas Molasses
“Cookie Cake”
3 c flour
1 1/2
tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg (slightly beaten)
1/2 c sour milk
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c light molasses
1/2 c vegetable shortening (melted)
Apple Butter:
6 pounds cooking apples
1 c water
2 1/2 c sugar
1/2 c brown sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
2 Tbs. lemon juice
1/8 c butter; 6 tbs. brown sugar; 1½ tbs. cream; 1 c. confectioners’ sugar
Cake: Mix brown sugar, shortening, egg, & molasses
together. Sift flour, cinnamon, baking powder, soda, & salt together. Add
sour milk (to sour 1/2 cup milk, add 1 1/3 tbs. vinegar & stir) & dry
ingredients alternately to the first mixture. Roll dough out on floured board
to 1/4" thickness. Use a small plate to cut out layers. Bake at 375° until
lightly browned. Cool. To make cake, spread apple butter on top of first layer
& between each additional layer. Let set in closed cake container for at least 24 hours before cutting. Before serving, ice top with Caramel Frosting. If not using caramel frosting, serve with whipped cream. Slice as a cake is
Apple Butter: Peel, core
& slice apples into eighths. Place apples in a large heavy saucepan and add
water. Cover tightly and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir and add
more water if mixture appears dry. Uncover and continue cooking until apples
are tender, 3 to 5 minutes longer. Mix cooked apples with remaining ingredients
in a crock or baking dish. Bake in oven
warmed to 350° for 3 to 4 hours or until mixture is thick and dark, stirring
occasionally. (A spoonful of apple
butter, when done should not have a ring of liquid surrounding it.)
Quick Caramel Frosting: Melt butter in saucepan & stir in brown
sugar. Continue cooking over low heat
for 2 minutes. Add cream & bring to full boil. Cool to lukewarm without
stirring. Add confectioners' sugar & beat until smooth and of spreading consistency.
From Grandma Morrell:
During my research I found recipes for this cake called “Appalachian
Stacked Apple Cake” and “Tennessee Mountain Stacked Apple Cake.”
Magpie Cakes in Knoxville, TN, a 7-layer apple stack cake is available for $45. (November and December)
~ Cake picture from Pinterest